
Thursday, 14 April 2011



1) Do you think that background music is necessary for a movie?


2) Which sort of music goes well with horror movies?

3) Do you think that blood and gore are required in a horror movie?

4) Do you feel that blood and gore are too commonly used in horror movies?
and thus have become boring?

5) Would you be more afraid of a human antagonist or an antagonist that
resembled an animal?

6) Which colour would be most suitable for a horror movie theme?

7) Is a horror movie with more psychologically challenging aspect to it?
more interesting than a horror movie with gore and blood?

8) Which ages do you think watch horror movies?

9) Are boys more interested in horror movies than girls?

10) Is it vital for a horror movie to have an antagonist?

11) Would a masked villain be more intimidating than one with 'scary' make-up?

12) Do you think horror movies with a small amount of humour can still be?
classed as a horror?

This is the questionnaire which we handed out. 

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